Fracking Videos

Please voice your thoughts on these videos. Many were made by the drilling companies to assert 'fracking' safety. Your voice counts, so let's hear it!

Is this in your backyard?

Dirty Secret

EPA hydrofracking - Weston Wilson whisleblower

Imagine discovering that you don't own the mineral rights under your land, and that an energy company plans to drill for natural gas two hundred feet from your front door. Imagine having little recourse, other than accepting an unregulated industry in your backyard.

Split Estate maps a tragedy in the making, as citizens in the path of a new drilling boom in the Rocky Mountain West struggle against the erosion of their civil liberties, their communities and their health.

'Fracking' for Natural Gas Continues to Raise Health Questions

Read the Transcript: A natural gas extraction method known as fracking is under sharp scrutiny in several states. Tom Bearden reports ...
by PBSNewsHour

"My Water's On Fire Tonight"

"My Water's On Fire Tonight" is a product of Studio 20 NYU ( in collaboration with ( The song is based on ProPublica's investigation on hydraulic fractured gas drilling (read the full investigation here:


Drilling for Gas / Polluting Water / Caution!

Drilling for Gas / Polluting Water / Caution! from Anthro-Pop on Vimeo.

Fracking effects on water supplies

Hydraulic Fracturing


Hydraulic Fracturing


Westin Wilson on Probable Impact of Fracking for Oil at Lowry Bombing Range, Arapahoe County.

Interview with Westin Wilson, former Denver EPA Environmental Engineer, in Denver CO, on April 13, 2011, regarding the probable impact of horizontal hydraulic fracturing for oil at the Former Lowry Bombing Range in Arapahoe County, Colorado. The Colorado State Land Board is considering a proposal to lease 1600-2600 acres of land for 19-98 oil fracking wells.

The land is north of the Aurora Reservoir, above 4 aquifers, in an area designated as low impact and resource sensitive. Fracking would bring very large scale industrial operations that would impact area air, land, water, and quality of life (noise, traffic, road use, fumes, etc).
Mr. Wilson became a whistleblower at the EPA, regarding the conclusions of an EPA final report of 2004, that concluded, contrary to the evidence contained therein, that hydraulic fracturing poses little or no threat to underground sources of drinking water and required no further study. Mr. Wilson subsequently became an EPA whistleblower in order to alert Congress to the possible impacts of fracking on drinking water and the need for further study re impact on water and air quality.

For more info on the Lowry project, see website:
Colorado residents:
Please consider our 2 petitions, which contain detailed information about the project's probable impact, our specific requests to mitigate impacts on public health, air quality, water quality, and area quality of life, and also specify that the oil and gas companies (rather than Arapahoe County or the State Land Board or the state of Colorado) would be liable for any related road damages, spills cleanup, or other environmental damages.

Full text petitions on the website:

PART 1 of 7

PART 2 of 7 ( you can view the rest at the end of the video)