Monday, April 11, 2011

Cornell study assessed climate change impact of natural gas drilling

Clearfield, PA, where a well blowout
in 2010 emitted wastefluid and natural
gas into the air for about 16 hours.
We at the Center for Healthy Environments and Communities would like to congratulate and recognize the incredible efforts of our colleagues at Cornell University for their recent research study published in Climate Change Letters, entitled "Methane and the greenhouse-gas footprint of natural gas from shale formations." Led by Dr. Robert Howarth, the study sought to determine the effect that natural gas drilling in shale formations has on the atmosphere over a 20-year period.*

Methane gas, the major component of natural gas, has been promoted by some entities as a greener energy alternative than the use of coal because it burns cleaner. Results of this recent Cornell study, however, indicate that the methane emissions that result from the natural gas industry may result in a greater greenhouse gas footprint than other forms of energy extraction. This is partially due to the fact that methane is a very potent greenhouse gas.

Full Report


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