Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Children Forced to Breathe Toxic Chemical Emissions From Gas Wells?

Why would anyone with any cerebral capacity construct oil and gas wells near residential areas, agricultural areas, water-ways, places of special concern, National and State Parks, open spaces and our children's schools? calls on every person who reads this article and imagines their own children in the schools depicted  below to:

 Forward this article to every person on your email list, Twitter account, facebook your friends and family to let them know just how far the Oil & Gas Industry will go to make a dollar.

This is the health of innocent children and residents that are at risk. The communities have been given false information about the safety of hydraulic fracking operations and the potential toxic emissions that may be released.

It matters not if you lean left, right, somewhere in the middle, or  fringed edges, there comes a time when practicing humanity makes sense. Shame on the Oil & Gas Industry, shame on the Oil and Gas Commission and City Council for allowing this to happen! And everyone else hiding under a dollar bill, shame on you too!

Global Community Monitor released a report with the alarming results of the air sampling in the San Juan Basin of northwest New Mexico and southwest Colorado, and in Garfield County, Colorado. According to the report, analysis by a certified lab detected: "a total of 22 toxic chemicals in the air samples, including four known carcinogens, as well as toxins known to damage the nervous system and respiratory irritants.

The chemicals detected ranged from 3 to 3,000 times higher than what is considered safe by state and federal agencies." The pollutants of concern in these locations include benzene, a known carcinogen, and hydrogen sulfide, which can be fatal."

Source: Global Community Monitor

Short video on fugitive emissions. A must see! The emissions are invisible to the eye but viewed via infrared camera, the emissions are very apparent.


The schools below are in Firestone, Colorado. Please send us an email for a specific school in a specific city and we will let you know if there are any wells in it's proximity. No cost-

All wells, such as the one above should be tested to ensure the safety of public air quality.  If emissions are being released then it should be addressed immediately.  However, adaptive management is always too late.

Forward this information to everyone you know for the health of the children please...


  1. Holy Jesus Christ! I didn't know that!!!!!!! Thanks for the information. OMG!

    Ft. Lupton, Colorado

  2. This is unbelievable! I would like to know about the Loveland schools please.

  3. "Fracking Near Bailey Junior High" is the name of a youtube video I shot early this year. During fracking five wells (Jan-April 2011), my son got asthma. In June the Special Ed teacher there (age 34) died of an aneursim and the music teacher there just found out she has a terminal, rare bone cancer.

  4. To mytoespacepillow

    Please contact us via email. We have further interest in your story.

  5. Bev - Firestone ColoradoDecember 31, 2011 at 9:10 PM

    Who in the world could imagine that this would happen? Where the hell do we live? This is NOT America!

    - Bev

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