The fracturing fluids, additives, and proppant are pumped to the wellhead and mixed just prior to injection. (Secret Sauce of non-disclosed toxic chemicals)
Fluid that is extracted from the well is sprayed through a diffuser and stored in a lined trench until it is disposed of off-site or discharged.
Discharged? Is that what the EPA stated in their documents?
Discharged where?
Discharged where?
Click HERE to read entire EPA document
dis·charge (d
v. dis·charged, dis·charg·ing, dis·charg·es
a. To relieve of a burden or of contents; unload.
b. To unload or empty (contents).
a. To release, as from confinement, care, or duty: discharge a patient; discharge a soldier.
b. To let go; empty out: a train discharging commuters.
c. To pour forth; emit: a vent discharging steam.
source: EPA.gov
June 2004
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