Wednesday, August 15, 2012


As for the bombshell 'Oil and Gas industry announcement', a few copies of which were allegedly found at the Convention Center yesterday and read with enthusiasm by yesterday evening's protestors...
                  What the frack is this?!
This one page document (scanned and attached), titled "The Colorado Oil and Gas Industry
Alliance Proudly Announces:  The Energy Revolution, Our Pledge to Colorado", states that:

"the time has come for our industry to acknowledge that a profound energy revolution is now necessary, to assure a healthy future for all of us". 

Citing scientific climate evidence, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Pentagon, and even the insurance industry and economic analysis, it concludes that:

"Frankly, none of us can afford or accept the large scale catastrophes associated with climate collapse.  Therefore, for those compelling reasons and because we have children too, we hereby pledge to an energy revolution, equivalent in scale to the challenges that face our generation.  We pledge to transition from fossil fuels to alternative, sustainable energy source development, that also protects our most valuable natural resources:  water, climate stability, Colorado's unparalleled natural environment, and the health of Coloradans."

WOW!!!  Then it goes on to "acknowledge the pioneering vision and practical roadmap of Colorado's Amory Lovins, and commit to implementing his program of 100% sustainable energy by 2050."   WOW squared !  Concession to and agreement with the Man with a Plan !

Concluding with:  "Over the next few months we will be releasing additional information regarding our transition steps, which will begin with asset relallocation.  We look forward to announcing our progress and leading the way to a bright tomorrow."

'Stunning ' would hardly begin to characterize this announcement!  This would be unprecedented. A truly revolutionary paradigm shift !  It's what we have all been asking for and working towards, with such profoundly disappointing responses or lack thereof from industry to date...

It seems way too good to be true. Where did this come from?  Delivered by wild birds?
Who would have done this?  Someone's idea of a joke?  What the frack?

Let's examine:
It's dated Aug. 16th.  There is a session at Denver's Energy Epicenter Oil and Gas conference on the 16th with "Paradigm Shift" in the title, but the description hardly matches the above complete and total paradigm shift.  Since this announcement document was found on the 14th but dated the 16th, is it a leak of an advance draft?   Any of you attending the Paradigm Shift session on the 16th, please let the world know whether it supports or refutes the announcement content ! 

The theme of this year's conference is "Energy Revolution", but none of the descriptive material for the conference hints at a real energy revolution, rather, it all seems to be about ramping up fracking for oil and gas from our Colorado Niobrara shale. 

There is no such entity as the "Colorado Oil and Gas Industry Alliance" that would "proudly announce",  only the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.

So, what is this thing- a massive oil and gas leak or a cruel hoax ? 

Seems most likely that it's the latter, but it does provide fodder for thought. 
We could all take this opportunity to :

-Ask the press to check it out, and answer the question: Explosive Oil and Gas Leak or Cruel Hoax? 

-Ask a conference press representative to provide a response to the question: Explosive Oil and Gas Leak or Cruel Hoax? 

- Contact COGA and companies like Anadarko and Encana and Conoco Philips, that are actively drilling in Colorado, and ask them if they are really taking the "Pledge to Colorado" or not

- Contact the Governor's office and ask if the Governor is going to go on record as taking the "Pledge to Colorado" or not
- Pass it around to friends and colleagues and ask them what they think about following through with the "Pledge to Colorado"

Let's get on this  ASAP and start this conversation in Colorado around a "Colorado Pledge"!   Heartbreakingly cruel hoax that this likely is, at the very least,  it is a vision of the rationally operating world we are clamoring for and an opportunity for dialogue.  

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