Friday, September 16, 2011

CO Senator Mark Udall's cry for help! He wants fracking...What is the death/benefit of this industry?

We have deactivated the 'cry for help' links in your advertisement below so you, the reader wouldn't erroneously assist a CO official in his quest to frack up the picturesque Colorado environment. Mark Udall's vision is to create 100,000 Superfund-fracking sites in Colorado that possess great potential to destroy aquifers forever. What are your thoughts on an unregulated industry that does not have to comply by the simple laws that once protected the environment and its people to coexist in a healthy symbiotic manner?  Is the oil and gas industry a parasite? Are you persuaded by them?  You certainly do not have our votes so please stop using BS language in an attempt to persuade the people.

Clean, healthy energy does not include contamination of any kind.  We understand that you have a cost/benefit, but 'fracking' is beyond that. It is a death/benefit.

What is the acceptable/allowable number of deaths that are incurred by this industry?  Is this formula built into the unregulated business model for success?  Please, answer these questions for the late Laura Amos.

Get a clue Udall!

Mark Udall | United States Senator for Colorado
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Mark's Newsletter Update: A Vision for Colorado's Energy Future | September 14, 2011

Dear Fellow Coloradan,

Last week President Obama rolled out his jobs plan. While I’m still studying the details, I continue my push for Republicans and Democrats to come together on a comprehensive jobs proposal that requires both parties to put some skin in the game and compromise for the good of the country.

It's time for Congress to put the partisan gridlock of the past few months behind us to get the economy going again. Beyond that we need to keep our eyes to the horizon so we can foster the innovative industries and technologies that will keep America’s economy strong for generations to come.

The president's plan needs to include a vision for the future. I've said it before and I'll say it again: a strong economy is an energy-independent economy. Strategic investments in renewable and domestic sources of energy will help create American jobs and reduce our dependence on unstable regions like the Middle East for our energy needs.

My vision is for Colorado to be the energy hub of the United States, with our state producing all the energy it needs and selling the surplus to neighboring states. With the sun in the San Luis Valley, the wind on the Eastern Plains and the brainpower at our top universities and NREL, Colorado could easily lead the country in energy production.

But we need to stop fighting and start working together to make that happen. Sign my petition and tell Congress that we need visionary leadership and cooperation to put our economy and energy policy on the right path.

America has some of the best ideas in the world, especially when it comes to renewable energy, but with growing competition from countries like China, we need to make the investments necessary to keep churning out those good ideas and maintain our leadership in this global race.

Our state is uniquely positioned to vastly expand our own energy production because of our natural resources and statewide Renewable Electricity Standard (RES). I think Colorado can be the model for a comprehensive energy plan for the country - if the United States would follow Colorado's lead and pass a national RES, our country could expand upon the strides Coloradans have already made.

Every part of our state could contribute to making Colorado a superpower for energy. The San Luis Valley, which is a hot spot for solar, could be the nation’s leader on sun power. The eastern quarter of the state has some of the strongest gusts of wind, making Colorado the 11th best place in the nation to harness wind power. Pueblo is already home to the largest wind tower manufacturing plant in the country and surrounding towns could follow its lead. Golden holds NREL, our country’s crown jewel for clean energy research and development. And by continuing to responsibly tap Colorado’s vast reserves of natural gas, we could lift our economy and start lowering our unemployment rate.

By implementing a national RES and adopting an aggressive renewable and domestic energy strategy in Colorado, we could up our unemployment numbers, put Coloradans back to work and position Colorado – and our nation – to lead in the clean energy economy of the future.
Warm regards,
Mark Udall
Toll Free for Coloradans: 877-7-MUDALL (877-768-3255)
Washington, D.C. Office
Hart Office Building
Suite SH-328
Washington, D.C. 20510
P: 202-224-5941
Northwest Region
P.O. Box 866
Clark, CO 80428
P: 303-650-7820
Central Mountain Region
P.O. Box 743
Tabernash, CO 80478
P: 303-650-7820
Northeast Region
801 8th Street
Suite 140A
Greeley, CO 80631
P: 970-356-5586
West Slope Region
400 Rood Avenue
Suite 215
Grand Junction, CO 81501
P: 970-245-9553
Denver Metro Area Region
999 18th Street
Suite 1525, North Tower
Denver, CO 80202
P: 303-650-7820
Southern Colorado Region
107 West B Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
P: 719-542-1701
Four Corners Region
954 East 2nd Avenue
Suite 106
Durango, CO 81301
P: 970-247-1047
Pikes Peak Region
2880 International Circle
Suite 107
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
P: 719-471-3993
San Luis Valley Region
609 Main Street
Suite 205
Alamosa, CO 81101
P: 719-589-2101
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