Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Halliburton Executive Drinks Fracking Fluid at Conference - A Magic Trick?

DENVER -- An energy company executive's sip of fracking fluid at an industry conference this month has been called a demonstration by some and a stunt by others, but it's bringing attention to new recipes for hydraulic fracturing fluids that in the past have contained chemicals commonly used for antifreeze or bleaching hair.

During a keynote lunch speech at the conference presented by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, Halliburton Co. CEO Dave Lesar talked about addressing public concerns about hydraulic fracturing, which extracts natural gas by blasting a mix of water, chemicals and sand underground.

He raised a container of Halliburton's new fracking fluid made from materials sourced from the food industry, then called up a fellow executive to demonstrate how safe it was by drinking it, according to two attendees.

The executive mocked reluctance, then took a swig.

What he drank was apparently CleanStim, which when Halliburton announced it in November was undergoing field trials. A Halliburton spokeswoman didn't respond to a question asking how that executive is doing now, or who he is. Instead, she referred a reporter to a web page on CleanStim. The Houston company, which has operations in about 80 countries, has said the product shouldn't be considered edible.

"I thought if this stuff was so benign, why wouldn't the CEO drink it himself? That frankly was my first thought," said Environmental Defense Fund's Mark Brownstein, who saw the demonstration. "My second thought, more seriously, is on the one hand, I'm pleased to see Halliburton is taking steps to remove toxic chemicals from hydraulic fracturing fluid. I wonder why if they have this technology why it wouldn't become standard practice.

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What an act! And the Oscar goes to....

Halliburton's trademarks (listed below) appear to be introducing new frac-fluid trademarks that purport environmentally sound measures and may be capitalizing on that endeavor in a quick preventative move to handle future frac-fluid issues that may, or may not arise from environmental contamination and adverse health effects. 

But let us remind you Mr. Lesar, you might have forgotten about the additional frac-fluids that your company uses as a 'whole' in hydraulic fracturing. Many of which appear harmful to humans and the environment. Why did you not drink those fluids?  The answer is quite simple really.

The show

Use of a name that allows the public to interpret the chemical(s) in a delightfully interpretive way.  'CleanStim' is one of many of Halliburton's latest trademarks and we are assured that Mr. Lesar would never drink any of the additional frac-fluid chemicals listed below.  Drinking a non-toxic 'component' of frac-fluid does not constitute the safety of frac-fluid, nor does it imply that you have genuinely consumed the same chemical composition of frac-fluid that you are actually using during the hydraulic fracturing processes.

We urge you to stop unconventional resource development and we urge you to stop psychological marketing operations that may, or may not appear to be disingenuous.  We have many glasses of your actual frac-fluid and you are more than welcome to stand upon a stage at any public venue in the world and graciously imbibe.  Care to take our offer?  For your safety, we do not recommend it.

The facts

Below are Halliburton's trademarks for frac-fluid(s) and many others of interest. Many of which list the adverse health effects on humans such as: May be fatal if swallowed. May cause respiratory irritation. May be harmful if swallowed. May cause eye and skin irritation. May cause headache, dizziness, and other central nervous system effects. May be absorbed through skin. Repeated overexposure may cause liver and kidney effects. Flammable. Contains: Tetramethyl ammonium chloride.

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1 comment:

  1. Good God, where do you get your information! This is incredible!


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