Do you live, or know someone who lives in the city of Aurora, Colorado? The State of Colorado is allowing the Oil & Gas Industry to conduct hydraulic fracturing 'fracking' in Aurora, CO.

The State Land Board is currently considering proposals to lease the Lowry Bombing Range Land for 18-98 oil wells.
In 2007, this area, near the Aurora Reservoir, was designated for conservation use and low-impact development that is sensitive to our natural resources.
Fracking for oil in this area is not low-impact and will industrialize this land and pose a threat to our air, water, soil, quality of life, and health.
Public officials from the City of Aurora and Arapahoe County have not alerted the public or provided a formal statement of concern to the State Land Board.
Our petitions request that this proposal needs to come before the public in hearings, and environmental impacts must be known before a leasing decision is made. We also recommend stipulations that should be part of the leasing agreements, if fracking is to proceed, that will reduce the risk to the public and the environment.
If you are as concerned about this proposal as we are, please show up and make a brief comment to the City Council. Our public officials have all been told by the oil and gas industry that fracking is safe: it's time to tell them it is not.
The meeting starts at 7:30. City Council meetings are open to the public and citizens are invited to be heard. If you want to speak (and voice your concern about fracking), you need to sign-up at 7:30 and comments are usually heard at the beginning of the meeting. You’ll have up to 3 minutes to speak.
WHERE:The Aurora Municipal Center (City Council Chamber)
ADDRESS: 15151 E. Alameda Parkway, Aurora, CO
TIME: 7:30 P.M.
Critics of the technique, which involves blasting tons of liquid into the ground to free fossil fuels from rock formations, say it could jeopardize Aurora’s water and air.
The Colorado State Land Board owns about 26,000 acres on the range, which stretches east roughly from Aurora reservoir between East Quincy Avenue and County Line Road.
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